Beginnings are fascinating; they bring hope, excitement, and possibility. Every beginning also includes an ending. Beginnings and endings are both part of the cycles of life. The trick is knowing what to leave behind and what to take with us as we take our next steps. Intention is crucial. As I say goodbye to 2024, here are five rules I am taking into 2025.
- Let It Go
Never ruin a good day by thinking about a bad yesterday. If there’s something you can do then do it, if not, learn to let it go. Don’t waste energy that could be used for something else on regret. Life is too short to dwell on the past. It will just hold you back and increase those feelings in the future.
Also, holding on to feelings or ideas can stop us from what comes next. Part of receiving is being open and you can’t be open if you are holding on to the pains of the past. Nobody said it was easy and sometimes letting go is hard but it’s important for moving forward. The windshield is bigger than the rearview mirror.
- Ignore Them
Don’t listen to other people, they don’t know better than you what’s best for you. Learn to listen to your heart. (Read more: Follow Your Heart – The Rose Miller Story) Ignore people who tell you you can’t have what you want. If they don’t see your vision then it wasn’t for them to see. It’s okay to make mistakes. Find people who do, or work on it by yourself, and don’t give anyone power over your life. Live a life that empowers and inspires you.
Especially ignore people who are not successful. Don’t take advice from people who haven’t accomplished what you are trying to accomplish, instead surround yourself with people who have. You become like the 5 people who you hang out with the most, so choose your circles wisely.
- Give It Time
With time, wounds become wisdom, and the lessons learned through hardships become guiding lights for the future. Remember to be patient with yourself. Growth takes time, and setbacks are a natural part of any process. Anything worth having takes time. If it comes easy it usually doesn’t last.
Everything happens for a reason, sometimes the reason is clear and sometimes it needs time to unfold. We don’t know how the story ends so we need to trust the process, no one becomes successful overnight it takes hard work and commitment and time takes care of the rest.
- Don’t compare
Everyone is on their journey. Don’t compare yourself to anyone, you don’t know their journey. People progress at different rates and for different reasons. Trust that you are exactly where you are supposed to be. The only person you should compare yourself to is the person you were yesterday. I look back on my life and I’m amazed at how far I’ve come. (Read more: My Ticket Out – The Rose Miller Story)
- Don’t give up.
It’s all on you. You’re the only one in charge of your happiness. Don’t rely on anyone or let them dictate your life. When the going gets tough the tough get going. You may need to take a break, and that’s okay. But make sure you don’t give up, you will live to regret it. Do what you’re passionate about and give it your all and you will succeed.
I’m looking forward to a new year. I have new goals and aspirations for this year and I plan to succeed. Hopefully, this will be my best year yet. I will share updates as I go along. (Read more: Unapologetically Rose Miller – The Rose Miller Story) I wish all my readers success in 2025 whatever your goals are.