We’ve been waiting for a month since we moved to our new house for a date to close. This date was reliant on my divorce but each court date came back with a new scheduled date. The seller was understanding, she too endured a tough divorce and wanted to support me through it.
After a lot of talking it was time to close, a life-long dream that seemed impossible just a handful of months ago. But here I was getting ready to make the biggest purchase of my life. I was so excited that I barely slept the night before but when morning came I felt a heavy void as I got ready to head to the bank. My mom should have been here. This was our dream.
I headed to the bank, I felt so important walking in asking to speak to a banker. After the wire transfer was complete I noticed my phone was not with me so I headed home to grab it.
I set the address into the GPS and noticed an email from my ex. A wave of terror ran through me but I brushed it off because I had a closing to attend. I pulled into the parking lot of the law firm to meet my attorney. I opened my phone as I walked to the building and read the email.
Dear all,
I just finished a consultation with one of the top divorce attorneys in New Jersey.
He said I have a very good case for half of Rose’s mom’s estate, as well as alimony.
He also said I have a very good case for primary custody based on the court evaluation.
He also said I have a very good case for vacating everything that was done so far based on the inconsistencies of the filings, Rose’s testimony so far, and her blog posts which contradict her filings and testimony.
He also said that I can make a case to have Rose pay my legal fees since I have no assets….

I couldn’t read anymore, I felt like someone sucker punched me in the gut. It was addressed to my brand new email address. My mouth went dry. How did he get my new email address? Only my lawyer and my home security system have it.
I paced outside in the parking lot unsure if buying today was a good idea, he knows, somehow he always knows. I am not free to do what I want. I’m being stalked and I am still afraid. I replayed the conversations I had with the attorneys on my case. It contradicted everything he said in the email. He’s not entitled. Not to the estate, not for primary custody, and definitely not to my emotional wellbeing.
I noticed I was still afraid of him. I still needed to deal with that, but not today. Today I was buying a house, I walked into the building ready to close regardless of what my ex was planning. Whatever will be, will be. But my ex will not be a factor in my decision-making anymore.
“Where do I sign?” I asked the lawyer.
I opened the door to my new house with a wave of disbelief, it was mine, it was really mine. It was a day of high emotions, I wanted to tell my mom the good news, I wanted to tell her what my ex was up to. My victory today wasn’t buying a house, it was standing up to him. Today was exhausting but mission accomplished.
I stumbled into bed, rolled onto my back, and put my hands under my head. I looked up at my new ceiling fan. I exhaled deeply and felt the sting in my eyes. A tear quickly escaped. “God,” I whispered. “Please, if there are roses in heaven please pick one and give it to Mom, tell her it’s from me.”
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